MOSTPLUS Idle Air Control Valve IACV IAC for Honda Civic CX DX EX HX LX GX 1.6L SOHC
Idle Air Control Valves
Exact same performance to original
2-year warranty
1996-2000 Honda Civic With Automatic Transmission
1996-2000 Honda Civic Manual Transmission(CX DX and LX only)
1996-1997 Honda Civic del Sol With Automatic Transmission
1996-1996 Honda Civic del So S With Manual Transmission(Exclude Manual transmission of (SI and VTEC ))
1997-2000 Acura EL
These parts are exact same performance to original IACVs.You will receive 1 pc of high quality idle air control valve and 1 pc of gasket like picture shows
Note: The OEM number for the original part in your vehicle must match one of the corresponding OEM numbers.
Dorman 911-753 Acura/Honda Throttle Position Sensor
GooDeal Map Pressure Sensor TN079800-3280 for Honda Accord Civic Acura Integra
NGK (8034) HE76 Premium Spark Plug Wire Set
Denso 234-4099 Oxygen Sensor
Gates 22323 Lower Radiator Hose
Honda 90-97 Accord (DX/LX Non VTEC 2.2, 2.3L 4Cyl) Nology HotWires Ignition Spark Plug Wires (Black Color Only)
MOSTPLUS Fuel Polaris Scrambler Predator 1217402
Mix me 3583