Idle Air Control Valves MOSTPLUS MAC186



MOSTPLUS Idle Air Control Valve IACV IAC for Honda Civic CX DX EX HX LX GX 1.6L SOHC

Idle Air Control Valves

Exact same performance to original
2-year warranty


1996-2000 Honda Civic With Automatic Transmission
1996-2000 Honda Civic Manual Transmission(CX DX and LX only)
1996-1997 Honda Civic del Sol With Automatic Transmission
1996-1996 Honda Civic del So S With Manual Transmission(Exclude Manual transmission of (SI and VTEC ))
1997-2000 Acura EL

These parts are exact same performance to original IACVs.You will receive 1 pc of high quality idle air control valve and 1 pc of gasket like picture shows

Note: The OEM number for the original part in your vehicle must match one of the corresponding OEM numbers.

Dorman 911-753 Acura/Honda Throttle Position Sensor
GooDeal Map Pressure Sensor TN079800-3280 for Honda Accord Civic Acura Integra
NGK (8034) HE76 Premium Spark Plug Wire Set
Denso 234-4099 Oxygen Sensor
Gates 22323 Lower Radiator Hose
Honda 90-97 Accord (DX/LX Non VTEC 2.2, 2.3L 4Cyl) Nology HotWires Ignition Spark Plug Wires (Black Color Only)
MOSTPLUS Fuel Polaris Scrambler Predator 1217402
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