Fuel Injection Fuel Safe FF132B

Fuel Safe


Fuel Safe FF132B Complete Flex Fuel Cell

Fuel Injection

Fuel Safe line of Flex Fuel Cells are designed to address the growing need for safety fuel cells and fuel bladders that can handle gasoline, ethanol blends and 100 percent alcohol fuels
A first in the safety fuel cell industry, the Flex Fuel Cell offers vehicle designers the only FIA-FT3 approved fuel cell that can function as a dual fuel cell
A soft bladder design that features a high-strength, lightweight and extremely conformable coated fabric, the Flex Fuel Cell offers the class leading features not available from other manufacturers
The Flex Fuel Cell represents another first from the leaders in safety fuel cell design and technology !

Complete Flex Fuel Cell, FF132B

Gates K060615HD V-Belt
Keep Clean 315539 Window Billet
Mix me 891