Auto Dynasty
Auto Dynasty Universal High-Performance Red Chrome 290-LPH Fuel Injection Pump, Regulator & Gauge Kit
Universally Works For All Vehicles' Fuel System. Supports Vehicles With Up To 650 HP (Horse Power)
Improves Fuel Delivery Efficiency and Prevents Fuel Starvation for More Consistent Boost and Fuel Flow. Designed to Maintain the Optimal Fuel Rail Pressure for High Performance/ Turbocharged Engine
Fuel Pump Made with CNC Machined Components to Ensure Long-Lasting Life & Durability. High Fuel Pressure Tolerance. Withstands Up To 160 PSI. Pumping Fuels Up To 290 LPH (Liters Per Hour)
CNC Machined Heavy-Duty Fuel Pressure Regulator. Adjustable From 0 To 160 PSI In 1:1 Ratio. Reading Range From 1 To 11 X 100 kPa.
Oil-Filled Design Fuel Pressure Gauge for Maximum and Consistent Measurement
Auto Dynasty's High Performance Fuel Pump creates positive pressure in the fuel lines, pushing the gasoline to the engine. It adds pressure to Fuel Rails to deliver Fuel for consistency and at a higher volume. This is absolutely a great upgrade for all standard or turbocharged vehicles.
Most modern fuel injected vehicles run a fuel pump in the tank and run much more fuel than it is needed to the fuel rail. Auto Dynasty's Fuel Regulator keeps a certain amount of fuel pressure in the rail and then sends the rest back to the tank. However, tuners upgrade the air intake system as well as the exhaust system and often neglect that more fuel is needed to make those mods perform at their full potential. Auto Dynasty's Fuel Pressure Regulator is adjustable so you can tune the fuel pressure to your needs. Comes complete with Auto Dynasty Oil-Filled Gauge so you can monitor the fuel pressure to make the percise adjustment.
Package Includes:
Standard Motor Products PS 470 Pressure PS-470
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