Heat Shields HDM Performance Parts HW-2x50BLK-6T

HDM Performance Parts


50ft Roll Black Racing Fiberglass Exhaust Header Pipe Wrap Tape & Ties Combo KIT

Heat Shields

100% Fiberglass
six silver stainless steel ties included
1000F rating
1/16"thick x 2" wide

This is a brand new roll of PREMIUM 1/16" x 2" x 50ft of BLACK header wrap. This is a first quality black wrap manufactured from high grade 100% fiberglass to withstand continuous high temperatures up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Along with this top quality wrap you will receive six (6) stainless steel quick ties for use in securing the wrap in place after installation. The uses for this wrap are numerous. It's most popular use is to insulate header pipes and other engine components in auto racing. This wrap can reduce under-hood temperatures 50%-70%. It will also protect other under-hood components. This wrap is a 2" wide so you get much more coverage with less footage as compared to narrower wraps. Our wrap has a premium weave and is very easy to install. When installing, generally 1/4" overlap is recommended. Do not use this wrap if your engine leaks oil or other fluids. Do not use this as a heat trace insulator on leaky pipes. Fiberglass retain fluids, although the wrap doesn't burn... the fluids in it can. Buyer, user, and installer assume all responsibility for keeping wrap clean and free from fluids and other contaminates. Fully clean and degrease your pipes and let dry completely before installation. No responsible for buyer, user, or installer negligence. Generally it takes 100ft at 2" width to wrap a set of V8 headers. A 2" x 50ft roll can wrap most any small engine header such as karts, mini bikes, or some mini choppers and pocket bikes. Don't fall for the claims by others sellers calming to offer a higher quality wrap, 100% fiberglass is 100% fiberglass no matter how you look at it. As with any fiberglass product, always wear gloves, long sleeves, long pants, close toed shoes, safety glasses, and a dust mask when handling or installing. If your application requires higher temperature rating, please contact us for other options. Always check your temps before making any wrap purchase (from us or any other seller). This item is exclusive to HDM only.

DEI 010301 Black High-Temperature Silicone Coating
DEI 010201 8 Stainless Steel Locking Ties - Pack of 8