Gaskets Enginetech RCF232P



Enginetech RCF232P Rebuild Ford 3.8L 232 FWD


Everything you need to rebuild your engine.
Premium parts
Full Gasket Set, Pistons, Piston Rings, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Cam Bearings, Timing Components, Oil Pump, Freeze Plugs
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Need something similar & can't find it online? Contact us today!

NOTICE : This is a Standard/Stock Size Kit. Oversize Pistons, Rings, Rods and Mains are available at no extra cost. Please specify sizes needed at checkout OR you can call us. Otherwise your kit will ship with Standard Sizes. Picture is generic. Parts are supplied by Enginetech. Please specify if over sizes are needed. Due to engine part turnover in the warehouses being so quick, we hold the right to substitute the manufacturer(s) listed with one of equal or greater quality. If this is not the kit you want. We will be happy to customize a kit that fits your needs!

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