Spark Plug & Ignition Tools Nitrode Performance

Nitrode Performance

Nitrode Performance Nitrode Bridge Spark Plug SP-NP21C

Spark Plug & Ignition Tools

The Only Spark Plug that Guarantees
Less Fuel Consumption
More Power
Less Emissions

The Nitrode Spark Plug utilizes a unique, Patented "Neutral Electrode" placed in-between the center and ground electrode, arcing the largest unimpeded spark into a combustion chamber. A large unimpede.

Nitrode Performance spark plug is the world's most efficient Spark Plug. Independent "Intertek" lab show in a comparison test; this Plug used less fuel, producing more horse power with less emissions over the top leading spark plug on the market today. You ask yourself why do you need it? By just changing to the Nitrode spark plug, you will realize tremendous gas savings from 5% to 35% plus... Guaranteed! It burns off all of the fuel in your cylinder so efficiently that it reduces emissions with a noticeable increase in horse power. The Nitrode Spark Plug utilizes a unique, Patented "Neutral Electrode" placed in-between the center and ground electrode, arcing the largest unimpeded spark into a combustion chamber. A large unimpeded spark introduced into an engine cylinder ignites the fuel efficiently and completely, producing more power and less emissions with increased millage.

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