Tachometers CE Compass DGTL_TACH

CE Compass


CE Compass New Digital Laser Photo Tachometer Non Contact RPM Tach

EAN: 8850273104477

UPC: 817211024202


Display: Large 5 digit, 18mm LCD.
Test select: Automatic.
Range: 2.5 to 99,999 RPM
Resolution: 0.1 RPM (from 2.5 to 999.9 RPM) 1 RPM (over 1,000 RPM)
Accuracy: +/-( 0.05%25 +1 digit)

This is a Digital Photo Tachometer. It measures the rotational speed with a visible red light beam from a powerful LED. Just attach a reflective sticker to the rotating part and point the beam on the mark from a safe distance. It is a great tool to measure the RPM of motors, engines and machine parts. In wood and metal working it can be used to accurately measure the speed of a lathe or milling machine.

GTC RT6 Reflective Tape for Optical and Laser Tachometers
AGPtek® Professional Digital Laser Photo Tachometer Non Contact RPM Tach