Vortex 120A-50 Silver 50-Tooth Rear Sprocket
SKU: mx_251101395929
Lightweight standard aluminum racing sprocket
100 percent CNC manufactured in the USA
Specially formulated alloy per Vortex specifications
Silver anodized to prevent corrosion
Unique tooth design increases sprocket longevity; Vortex patented sprocket design is unlike any other sprocket
*Note: New, old stock.
50 Tooth 520
Ducati (Requires Carrier)
- 1000 Monster i.e. ['03-05]
- 1000 S Monster i.e. ['04-05]
- 1000 Smart ['06-07]
- 1000 Sport Biposto ['07]
- 1000 Sport S ['07-09]
- 1000 Sportclassic GT ['07-09]
- 1000 SS ['03-05]
- 1000 SS DS ['05-06]
- 620 Monster Dark MD Monodisco ['04]
- 620 Multistrada ['05-06]
- 620 Multistrada Dark ['05-06]
- 620 Sport ['03]
- 695 Monster ['07-09]
- 750 Monster ['96-02]
- 750 Monster i.e. Dark ['02]
- 750 Sport ['02]
- 750 SS ['91-02]
- 800 Monster Dark ['03]
- 800 Monster i.e. ['03-04]
- 800 Sport ['03]
- 800 SS ['03-07]
- 851 SP ['90-91]
- 851 Strada ['89-92]
- 851 Strada Biposto ['90-92]
- 888 Strada ['93-94]
- 900 MH900 e ['02]
- 900 Monster ['94-99]
- 900 Monster i.e. ['00-02]
- 900 SS ['98-02]
- 900 Super Light ['92-98]
- 900 Super Sport ['89-92]
- 907 I.E. ['91-92]
- 907 Paso Sports ['90-93]
- 916 Monster S4 ['01-03]
- 916 Sport Touring ST4 ['99-03]
- 944 Sport Turismo ST2 ['97-03]
- 992 Sport Touring ST3 ['04-07]
- 992 Sport Touring ST3 (ABS) ['07]
- 996 Sport Touring ST4S ['02-05]
NEW STARTER MOTOR HONDA ATV FL350R ODYSSEY 329CC 1985 31200-VM0-003 31200VM0003
ITP Sand Star Tire Construction 5000776
Mix me 3636