Bumper Stickers, Decals & Magnets iJDMTOY Two-AA2072



(Pack of 2) iJDMTOY JDM Style Crossing Shape Band-Aid Die-Cut Decal Vinyl Stickers, Black

Bumper Stickers, Decals & Magnets

CAD die-cut made by iJDMTOY Car LED Guru
(Pack of 2) Size: 4 by 4 inches
Easy Installation, simply peel and apply
Easy Remove without any residual
True JDM look and express your personality

This page features 2 pieces JDM Graphic vinyl decals as shown on the picture with no background.

The vinyl decals are made with high quality reflective KK vinyl material for outdoor use with 10 plus year lifespan.

You can use these JDM decals to decorate your car on windshield, gas cap, bumper, etc and anything else such as laptop or luggage.

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