Clutch Cables & Lines Drag Specialties 0652-1438

Drag Specialties


DRAG SPECIALTIES Alt. Length Blk Vinyl High Eff. Clutch Cable 68 11/16 4322406HE

Clutch Cables & Lines

Alternative Length Black Vinyl High Efficiency Clutch Cable for Custom Height/Width Handlebars
Cables feature chrome fittings, black vinyl outer casings, tempered-steel inner wire and a nylon inn
High-performance cables use the latest technology of longitudinally winding the outer housing length
Late-style cables are measured with the adjuster completely collapsed.
Adjuster measured from bottom of cable.

Alternative Length Black Vinyl High Efficiency Clutch Cable for Custom Height/Width Handlebars Cables feature chrome fittings, black vinyl outer casings, tempered-steel inner wire and a nylon inner sleeve for smooth operation High-performance cables use the latest technology of longitudinally winding the outer housing lengthwise rather than spirally so cable bends in a more natural arc and eliminates spring and compression Late-style cables are measured with the adjuster completely collapsed. Adjuster measured from bottom of cable. Length: 68 11/16in. Adjuster Location from Trans: 25 7/16in. Inner Cable Travel: 3 7/8in.

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