Individual Sockets Grey Pneumatic 1010MD

Grey Pneumatic


Grey Pneumatic (1010MD) 3/8 Drive x 10mm Deep Socket

EAN: 0729440460280

UPC: 031113173497

SKU: 41964

Individual Sockets

Automotive, tool & industrial||Tool||Hand tools
Lifetime warranty does not cover abuse
If you have any questions about product details or shipping times please feel free to call BulkTP customer service at 888-645-4225. M-F 9-5 EST
GRE1010MD Grey Pneumatic 3/8" Drive x 10mm Deep

3/8" Drive x 10mm Deep.

Grey Pneumatic (1008MD) 3/8 Drive x 8mm Deep Socket
Grey Pneumatic (1012MD) 3/8 Drive x 12mm Deep Socket