Stabilizers GPR Stabilizer 0414-0179

GPR Stabilizer


06-07 KAWASAKI ZX10R: GPR V1 Steering Stabilizer (GREEN)


The GPR V1, the original design.Well close to it.
It still retains approximately the same shape as the original, but the internals and adjustments, sensitivity, and sweep breaks were all fine tuned over the years.
The end result is a steering damper that is very reliable, durable, re-build-able and best of all...affordable.
The steering damper that has won hundreds of off-road and road racing championships around the world is the same "budget" steering damper you can get at your local dealer.With applications to cover dirt bikes and sport bikes back to the early nineties, this is your best bet of finding a great damper solution.
Many off-road racers, professional / amateurs and weekend warriors all rely on the consistent damping and durability in this original design and prefer to stick with it.


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