Transfer Case Components Pam's Auto pEfHHeWle8hBN5SgiZC9A

Pam's Auto


Transfer Case : MOUNTAINEER 99-01 4x4 (part time, electric shift), ID XL24-7A195-CA

Transfer Case Components

This part may fit other vehicles - see list below to confirm this part will fill your needs!
Our notes about this exact part : ASSY,AT T-CASE,105K
This part was removed from a vehicle with 105000 miles.
Please see product description for complete info before purchasing!
This is a recycled auto parts with a great warranty!

We sell our transfer cases as an assembly. They will include all internal parts and the case, but not the external shift motor.

This Transfer Case has the following features and fits these vehicles directly that are listed below.

Fit and Interchange

MOUNTAINEER 98-01 4x4 (part time, electric shift), ID XL24-7A195-AA
EXPLORER 98-00 4x4 (part time, electric shift), ID XL24-7A195-AA
MOUNTAINEER 99-01 4x4 (part time, electric shift), ID XL24-7A195-CA
EXPLORER 99-00 4x4 (part time, electric shift), ID XL24-7A195-CA
MOUNTAINEER 99-01 4x4 (part time, electric shift), ID XL24-7A195-CB
EXPLORER 99-00 4x4 (part time, electric shift), ID XL24-7A195-CB
MOUNTAINEER 00-01 4x4 (part time, electric shift), ID YL24-7A195-AA
EXPLORER 00 4x4 (part time, electric shift), ID YL24-7A195-AA
EXPLORER 01 4x4 (part time, electric shift), 4 Dr, exc. Sport Trac; (ID YL24-7A195-AA)

Standard Motor Products TL141 Trunk Lock Cylinder
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