Pam's Auto
Distributor : LOYALE 90-94
This part may fit other vehicles - see list below to confirm this part will fill your needs!
Our notes about this exact part : 12-91,LIFETIME WARRANTY
This part was removed from a vehicle with 91000 miles.
Please see product description for complete info before purchasing!
This is a recycled auto parts with a great warranty!
We sell our distributors without the cap and rotor, but with the igniter if it is internal to the distributor.
This Distrib has the following features and fits these vehicles directly that are listed below.
Fit and Interchange
SUBARU PASS. 88-89 (1800), OHC
LOYALE 90-94
XT 88-91 4 cyl
American V-Twin Primary Case Lubricant, 32 Ounce Quart
Aluminium Cable Adjuster Piece M10 LCA20R
Mix me 719