Pam's Auto
Steering Column : BLAZER S10/JIMMY S15 96 Column Shift; w/tilt wheel, w/cruise control
This part may fit other vehicles - see list below to confirm this part will fill your needs!
Our notes about this exact part : ASSY,GRY WITH KEY,LIFETIME WARRANTY
This part was removed from a vehicle with 147000 miles.
Please see product description for complete info before purchasing!
This is a recycled auto parts with a great warranty!
We sell our steering columns as the a complete assembly. They will include switches, keys, and coverings, unless notes in the above notes section.
This Stee Column has the following features and fits these vehicles directly that are listed below.
Fit and Interchange
BLAZER S10/JIMMY S15 96 Column Shift; w/tilt wheel, w/cruise control
S10/S15/SONOMA 96 Column Shift; w/tilt wheel, w/cruise control
Rain-X, 7 oz
01463 S87 A00 Cylinder Febest 0375 CU2F WARRANTY 0375-CU2F-amz-01463-S87-A00
Mix me 2166