Decals BlockBusterCostumes RC7301P



Jason Voorhees Scary Face Demented Mirror Window Decal

SKU: RC7301P


Jason Voorhees Scary Face Demented Mirror Window Decal
party or adult's Friday the 13th Jason Voorhees Costume!
party or adult Size
Included in this posting: 1 scene setter sheet of Jason in foggy mirror as featured, clings to walls, windows and mirror with no adhesive required
Please note that only the items listed above are included.

Imagine this: You wake up in the morning like every other day, hop into the shower, and get a sixth sense that something is wrong. You're not being watched exactly, but you still don't feel quite alone. You start thinking about Camp Crystal Lake, and your heart starts racing. You hear a noise, peel back the shower curtain to see what it was, and the last thing you ever see is the vicious serial killer Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th...