Throttles Biker's Choice 666025

Biker's Choice


Biker's Choice Armor Coat Clutch Cable - Coil Wound


Attractive stainless steel weave with performance and attitude.Clear Armor CoatTM protects chrome and painted surfaces.Premium chrome fittings.Coil wound.Features top to bottom stainless steel weave - an industry first.Each cable features an inner nylon sleeve for long life and smooth operation.Available in plus lengths for most of your custom applications.Length: 57".

Attractive stainless steel weave with performance and attitude.Clear Armor CoatTM protects chrome and painted surfaces.Premium chrome fittings.Coil wound.Features top to bottom stainless steel weave - an industry first.Each cable features an inner nylon sleeve for long life and smooth operation.Available in plus lengths for most of your custom applications.Length: 57".

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