Mirrors H & S Auto Shot HSA1045

H & S Auto Shot


Eliminator Side-By-Side Adapt Kit W/Stud Ease Tech

EAN: 0842005004450

UPC: 842005004450

SKU: 40065



HSA1045 Features: -Never drop a stud again!.-Holds stud in place for easy out-of-position welding.-Welds studs easier and faster, increase accuracy when pulling small studs.-Exclusive to the UNI-SPOTTER STUD Welder.-Patent pendingEliminator Side-By-Side Adapter Kit with Stud Ease Technology. Holds stud in welder for easy out-of-position welding. Upgrade any Uni-Spotter Stud Welder by adding the adapter. Works with all existing welding studs..-Eliminator Side-by-Side Adapter Kit with Stud Ease Technology.-Repair only up to 1 yr.

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