Backup Monitors & Alarms MimoUSA p2241



License Plate Backup Sensors

Backup Monitors & Alarms

License Plate Backup Sensors License Plate Backup Sensors
General: MimoUSA License Plate Reverse Backup Sensor System - MimoUSA License plate reverse backup sensor system is the first stylish 2 sensor license plate back up system on the market. Mounting 2 sensors on your rear or front license plate will ensure you the perfect safety and stress-free parking you have ever imagined. The sensors that are installed on the license plate frame send ultrasonic waves to detect obstacles in front or behind the vehicle. The controller receives the signal & transmits it to the LCD display inside your car.

Fel-Pro 61177 Throttle Body Mounting Gasket
Four Seasons 54601 Evaporator Core
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