Shoulder Supports EVS SB03BK-L



EVS SB03 Shoulder Brace, Black, Size: Lg, Size Modifier: 40-44in. SB03BK-L

EAN: 0885367451944

UPC: 182682961319

SKU: 663-1906

Shoulder Supports

Similar in design to the original EVS should brace (SB02)
3 different length compression straps (included) allow for a wide range of support options
Straps hold shoulder in place while allowing movement and range of motion

Size: Lg
Distinct Name: Black
Size Modifier: 40-44in.

Similar in design to the original EVS should brace (SB02)
3 different length compression straps (included) allow for a wide range of support options
Straps hold shoulder in place while allowing movement and range of motion